i walk the balance between Heaven and earth. sometimes i soar. often i slip... but i am never alone.
Contact Us


Mission Statement:
We at Left of Center Productions are committed to fulfilling our calling to responsibly serve artists and music industry alike with humility and integrity in a way that balances our belief in Christ as Sovreign God and business, and without compromising our vision or faith in such.

We are committed to serving you by serving Him.  You can count on us in working out honest business deals, doing our very best to make sure that everyone has a clear picture of your vision, using our knowledge and resources to assist you, as well as managing challenges in a timely fashion.

Who are you?
Left of Center Productions is a newly founded company that exists to seek out the best in up-and-coming indie music and not rest until everyone has heard it.  We are located in always hoppin' San Antonio, Texas, home of the Alamo and former Red Raiders (a-hem).  We specialize in concert/event promotion, artist promotion, and booking.  Our goal is not to sell, but rather, to serve.

Do you only promote 'Christian' artists?
No.  Because we enjoy music of  various types, it is our desire to get the word out about all types of music.  We not only have a passion for the music, but also for the people.  We don't believe it would be right to limit ourselves in this respect.

Why are you doing this?
Well, as we mentioned before, we have a passion for both music and people.  We believe that it is often the best music that is unsigned, and so we've made it our responsibility to make sure it doesn't stay that way.


Like what you're hearing?
Introducing Texas A&M's own Lindsey Kane
To hear more of Lindsey's music or to find out where you can see her live, CLICK HERE!
Wanna hear your music here?  Email us!

Here is a listing of the independent artists we support.  Please feel free to surf their sites, check out their tunes, and be sure and let them know we sent you!
Please note that none of the artists listed are in any way contracted or managed by Left of Center Productions.

Lindsey Kane//
Chris Taylor//
Lady Jane Grey//
Tim Phillips//
Crimson Soul//
Andy Hedges//

Questions or comments? Get in touch with us at:

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